
Hello. This is my first post on my new blog and so I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Philip McDermott, I'm from the UK, and I have a number of different hats. One even has horns, but I won't be wearing that one on here. Primarily in this blog I'll be writing with this hat on (not literally, although that is a comfy cap), as a researcher and software engineer, interested in data management and user interface design.

My next hat is this one, although strictly speaking it's more of a large pair of trousers than a hat. I'll sometimes be posting with this hat on, and hopefully those posts won't come out in a crazy ranting esoteric way. Not all the time.

My third main hat is this one, although we don't actually play in hats any more (we used to dress up a bit too often...). As a producer and laptop DJ I get to play with software and technologies that feed back into my original role as a researcher, and so for this reason sometimes this role will be allowed out to play, but mainly it will be consigned to the other blog.

I do also have a running hat, although it's normally too warm to wear one after a few minutes, and just gets in the way.

The one with the horns is staying in the cupboard, for now.