Day four marks my first tempo run of the training. My regular race shoes are getting towards the end of their life, and I wanted to get some more supportive shoes for when I"m doing longer runs, and so day four also included a trip to The Marathon Store! It's a pimped up branch of Sweat Shop with amazing staff, and they also run completely free runs from there five days a week, including free showers! And so after 45 minutes I walked out with fresh Adizeros for tempo runs (Adios instead of Feather this time - they have a little bit more cushion and are almost the same weight) plus some Boosts for the big miles).
For the run itself I decided to make a commute run, since I had dinner out later. It was a bit sluggish, which I'm putting down to running with a backpack, and a bit slow, but I got there. Next time I'll leave my stuff at work.